Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Bavarian High Command

 While painting the Bavarian 5th Line infantry Regiment, the Perry's metal command group arrived. Three ADCs, generals Wrede and Deroy with Crown Prince Ludwig. I needed a break from the infantry so I went straight to the new arrivals. After working with so many plastic figures the metal ones seem so much more 'substantial'. The ADCs are one piece castings while the generals are seperate rider and horse. I usually use blutack to hold the figure on its bottle cap while I paint them but a horse and rider is too much weight for the blutack to cope with so it is back to hotglue.

Anyhow, here is my latest posting, I am currently painting the last seven figures of the 5th line and I will post them when the whole regiment is done. The buildiing in the background is Sarissa.

I am so pleased to see the Bavarian update to the Valour and Fortitude rules and once all the painting is done I must see how a Bavaria v Austria game plays out.

Don't you just hate it when you zoom in on the pictures and see all the faults that you missed when you finished?


  1. Lovely work Chris. Magnified pictures can often reveal so much more than the naked eye can. With me it is usually a bit of black somewhere but when I go hunting for it to touch it up half the time I find it was just a reflection.

  2. Thanks Lawrence, I may be being tough on myself but that is how we improve. At an art gallery, a lot of oils look strange close up and need to be viewed from a distance. I guess I have to reconcile myself that on a wargames table the figures look OK.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...