Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Advice please Vallejo XPress color

 Another support problem.

I recently bought a bottle of Vallejo XPress Color 72.411 Mistic Blue paint with the intention of trying it out on French figures and Bavarian ADCs. I started with the ADCs (3 Perry's metal figures) undercoated with Army Painter light grey primer. I made sure I shook the XPress Color bottle well and applied it to the figures as I would Cidatel Contrast. Upon drying, the paint was very glossy and showed no signs of the shade variations that it is supposed to do. 

I am sorry I can't post a photo as I was so disgusted the figures immediately went into dettol to get the paint off.

Has anyone else come across this or do I just have a bad batch of paint? I am, sadly, loathe to try any other XPress colours as I know the Cidatel Contrast paints work just fine. As you can see from my workbench photos 90% of my regular paint is Vallejo so this isn't a 'bash Vallejo' post.




  1. That is a strange one Chris. I like Vallejo but find I have to shake the bottle to within an inch of its life otherwise the paint is too watery, but this almost seems to be the opposite issue. Does it require some sort of flow medium I wonder?

  2. Hi Lawrence, thanks for your response. I usually find Vallejo great to work with and this is my first negative. I have issues with Army Painter paint being too thin but not Vallejo. I always add an agitator ball to the new bottles to help mix the paint as I shake the bottle so I don't think it is a lack of mixing. As 'contrast' type paints are actually inks, I expected the paint to be very fluid but not to this extent. I have tried to research this online but couldn't find any comments hence my posting here.

    The paint is now all off the figures so time to start again the 'old way' of layering paint and a wash. In the meantime I will run some experiments with the paint I have before binning it.


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