Sunday, 25 August 2024

A precautionary tale

 25 August 2024

This morning I matt varnish sprayed this recently completed command base for the latest Bavarian regiment (5th line). 

Now, I have used Krylon before and it has always worked just fine but this time, for some reason, it has 'washed out' the GMB flag as per the photos. The Krylon can says it is fine for use on paper and I believe I have used it before on flags with no problems but this has caused me to reconsider spraying flags with matt finish. Has anyone else had this issue?

It is a good job I purchased two sets of flags from GMB, I must have had a premonition...


  1. I use Testor's Dullcote and had the exact same issue a month ago. I normally don't spray my GMB flags but in this case accidentally got some on after touching up and trying to reseal the standard bearer. I ended up trying to respray gloss on the flag to bring back out the colour, and then another matt, but it just didn't look the same so I replaced it.

    1. Hi Lawrence, I have used both Dullcote and Krylon before and I haven't noticed any effect on the flags until now. I have made a mental note to spray the completed base prior to adding flags in the future as it is a pain having to wait for new ones from the UK.

  2. I have had this happen as well, so I usually spay GMB flags with a light coat of Kamar varnish (non aqueous). Then I can use an acrylic varnish (which I use on my troops twice, before and after an acrylic "magic wash". The other question with any matt finish is humidity causing frosting, but in that case I'd expect it to affect the figures as well. Also, the respray with gloss should usually have worked then.

    1. Hi Peter, as I replied to Lawrence above, I think it will be better for me just to add the flags after I have used the matt spray. I haven't seen or tried the Kamar varnish, I will look out for it, I see it is available online here in Australia. As you noted, the figures were not affected at all negatively. May I ask (pardon my ignorance Peter) what is an acrylic 'magic wash'?

    2. Magic Wash: (be sure to read the comments), ALSO, add the Jet dry to the water, NOT the acrylic solution, otherwise it will precipitate and make it cloudy.

    3. Hi again Peter, I read your post with interest as well as the comments. I have to wonder who thought up the original recipe as it isn't a simple process. I must say that the figures on your blog shows that it works well and I will look at giving it a go. Thanks for the information, it is much appreciated.

    4. You're welcome, Chris. It dose a nice job of shading the figures. I find that I prefer it on the darker side than what he suggests. Make it in small amounts - it does eventually start to go bad, and unless you paint a lot more than me, a few ounces will last several years!

  3. Sounds like a cautionary tale! Flagging after varnish sounds the way to go, nice command stand!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471


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