Napoleon's allies: The Irish legion and Duchy of Nassau

 While most gamers seem to like to stick to the 'big' Napoleonic era armies -  French, Austrian, Prussians, Russians and British I have increasingly become interested in the smaller units of the Napoleonic wars. So far I have not explored this at any real length but I have started with units of the Irish legion as below. The figures are Essex miniatures French infantry painted as Irish Legion.

For historical reference:


 It must be the green uniforms but I kind of liked the Duchy of Nassau's uniforms too. They are an interesting unit having fought with Napoleon and then defected to the British. The figures are from Front Rank and are well sculpted.



In an ideal world I would love to have units of all the smaller contingents of the   confederation of the Rhine but I just don't have the storage space.

On a different scale, this 90mm Saxon Guarde du Corp from was a challenge as I am nit used to working with a resin kit but I am happy with how it came out in the end.

Finalised HaT 6th Bavarian line infantry to add to the French allies.


  1. Nice, I quite fancy doing the Irish at some point, I've got Anhalt, Nassau 1st and 2nd and Shwarzbug Sanderhausen on the painting desk at the moment ( all green regiments!)
    Best Iain

    1. I do enjoy the smaller units of the Napoleonic wars Iain, I can't wait to see your Shwarzbug Sanderhausen units.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...