Tuesday, 12 September 2023

First company of French Perry's fusiliers (almost) done

 12 September 2023

Seems like ages but the first company of the 'in the pipeline' pile of plastic figures is done except for finalising the base which I will do when the regiment is finished. They are (obviously) French line fusiliers on campaign. 

One of the things that distresses me when I take the photos is that the figures can be enlarged and I see every fault and lack of skill which drives me nuts!! I am sure everyone else can relate to that.

That said, on the wargames table they look adequate (I hope).


  1. They look great Chris. The thing about enlarging photos is that the flaws they reveal are usually invisible to everyone else but the person who painted them.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, I REALLY have to stop looking at the fantastic work others do and just be happy with my efforts. I will use these as a guide for the rest of the regiment and try little improvement tweaks.

  2. They look splendid to my eye!
    Best Iain


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