Monday, 16 October 2023

4th French line infantry finally completed!


Another Blogger complaint... for some reason, Google will NOT let me leave comments on other blogs for the past week. I have no idea why, I haven't changed anything but the interwebby gremlins seem to love to stress me out. So to those whom I follow, there have been some great additions - sadly not Napoleonic but some especially great looking artillery. Thanks guys for your inspiration to improve what I do 👍.

I know this has taken me weeks (see previous post) but there has been a lot of other things going on that have detracted from my hobby time. Anyway, I have finally finished my 4th French line infantry figures. Those who are observant (and old like me) may query the grenadiers... well they are 25mm Minifig figures that I painted in the 1970's and were 'orphans' in my collection (I know the uniform may not be 100% time accurate) so I attached them to the 4th to give them a 'home'. I had to double base the 25mm Minifigs to make them look OK with the Perry's 28mm. As I was adding two bases of  grenadiers I took the liberty of not having a base of voltigeurs... they are apparently off sampling the local wines for the regiment.

As I am limited to a 6' x 4' gaming table, I work to a scale where a regiment is represented by 24 - 36 figures.

I am also working on my storage and movement trays. I am making them more appealing by 'landscaping' them rather than just being painted MDF. I will post a picture of my first effort (for this unit) when it is finished in a day or so for feedback.

The following regimental history comes from:

Regimental war record

1791: Expedition to Saint-Dominique
1795: Mannheim
1796: Mantoue, Castiglione, Verone, Primolano, La Brenta, Caldiero, Arcole, Tagliemento
1798: Expedition to the Iles Saint-Marcouf
1800: Engen, Moeskirch, Memmingen and Hohenlinden
1805: Ulm and Austerlitz
1806: Jena
1807: Eylau, Heilsberg and the capture of Koenigsberg
1809: Eckmuhl, Aspern, Essling and Wagram
1812: Smolensk, Valoutina, La Moskowa and Krasnoe
1813: Dresden, Leipzig and Hanau
1814: Brienne, La Rothiere, Monterau and Troyes
1815: Ligny

Battle Honours

Arcole 1796, Hohenlinden 1800, Jena 1806 and Wagram 1809

As you can see, the regiment served in most of the French Napoleonic campaigns with distinction.

Next Project - Bavarian hussars.

Movement/storage tray

As mentioned above, this is my first effort at a 'landscaped' movement trray. I rather like it.


  1. Nicely done CHris. Good idea to double-base the Minifigs to give them a second life. I wonder if your blogger comments are just awaiting moderation?

  2. Great looking regiment, the topped up grenadiers work well in my book and the basing works very well, glad to see you're able to comment again too!
    Best Iain

    1. Hi Iain, as always, thank you for your comments, I hope all is well with you. It takes me a while to finish units and it can be very frustratingly slow at times but I always try to do the best I can.

      I did a workaround for comments, I usually use Firefox as my browser and everything was fine for the blog until this week. In frustration I tried the Opera browser and it worked. I have no idea why or for how long!


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...