Monday, 14 August 2023

Perry's French Heavy Cavalry Generals

 14 August 2023

I have just finished these lovely figures from Perry's 28mm metal range. I have been inspired by my fellow bloggers who have done some lovely command vignettes to do something with my French cavalry command. On reflection, I would have painted one as a Carabinier general but that is hindsight. I am looking forward to having them 'on the table'.

I know there are 'faults' in the paining but every time I try to fix one I create another. It is so frustrating not having the best eyesight and steady hands. How surgeons do micro surgery is amazing to me.


  1. Lovely work Chris. Looking forward to seeing them in action in a few AARs.

    1. Thank you Lawrence I am looking forward to it too. So many chores to get done first though.

  2. Some fine Cuirassier generals there, Chris!

    1. Thank you Peter, your comments (as are all) are very much appreciated.

  3. Excellent cuirassier generals! I've got all thtee waiting to be nased!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I was inspired to do these by other blogger photos. I wish I had the cuirassier regiments to go with them. Another plan for the future.
      Cheers Chris


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

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