Friday, 21 July 2023

French line foot artillery

 21 July 2023

Finished my Perry's French 28mm line foot artillery. I have tried to make them look a bit worn from campaigning. I can't wait to get them on the tabletop!


  1. They look great. The Perry figures are always nicely sculpted, even if sometimes they do require a bit of extra cleaning up, and you have done them beautifully.

    1. Thank you Lawrence, the older I get the longer it seems to take to get the figures etc up to where I am happy(ish) with them.

  2. Very nicely done, ready for next battles!

    1. Thank you Phil, they will have to wait a few weeks before seeing action (sadly).

  3. Great paint job - you can't really do better than use Perry Miniatures for 28mm Napoleonics. I love their plastic cavalry figures and have some as 18th century Hussars for my Imagi-Nations.

    1. Thanks Chris, I have a bow of Perry's plastic French infantry waiting to be started. I painted the last box as Swiss but I think I will have a crack at doing these as French. I only have three French infantry regiments so I really should add another. I have been looking at my old Hinchliffe and Minifigs figures from the 1970's painted with Humbrol enamels, They really could do with repainting (sighs) I just have to buy a litre or more of Dettol!

  4. Lovely looking artillery team, great colour on the woodwork, I'm painting metal Perry artillery at the moment but I've also got some Victrix and converted Perry infantry for some Victrix and 3d printed guns, probably far too many but what can you do! Please don't repaint your 1970's figures, just paint some new figures instead!
    Best Iain

  5. Thank you again Iain, I went for the campaign 'weathered' look on the artillery. I am in the process of painting two of Perry's cuirassier generals, not really sure why as I don't have that many cuirassier figures but they appealed to me and were available through a retailer in Oz.
    With regard to my old figures, it is hard to look at them with my magnifying headset and see all the flaws. I painted them in the 1970's to what Charles Grant called "tabletop standard" which basically meant near enough is good enough or to those of a similar age to me the TV series 'never mind the quality, feel the width'. My later efforts with so much inspiration from magazines, blogs and the net are way better. I shall, however, ponder your request Iain.

  6. I really like your new battery. The use of a round base is interesting; I don't think I have seen that before!


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...