Sunday, 19 May 2024

Bavarian 4th light infantry battalion finally finished

 19 May 2024

It seems like it has taken forever to do these figures and I have nothing but admiration for those of you who can do a unit like this in a weekend. I have so many different pressures on my time. I enjoy fishing but haven't been able to get out and cast a line for a couple of years, who said retirement is dull?

The weather has finally cooled down in Brisbane so my largish vegetable garden took up a lot of my time recently getting it ready for the autumn/winter crop. There is a lot of other garden work to do as well as house maintenance which I need to undertake in winter when the weather is cooler. So my next unit - a Bavarian grenadier company may take a while to do.

Finally then, here is my effort, the figures are Victrix and they are displayed in their movement/storage tray:


  1. Lovely work on these Chris. I can see why they took some time as they look great. I haven't forgotten about catching up for a coffee by the way, but have had a bit on myself since I got back from NZ. I'll be in touch soon though.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, you are too kind. I got a new pair of glasses which seemed to help with the detail work..

      Coffee would be great when we can get a 'window'.

  2. I ditto Lawrence's comments Chris. Fine brush work on the detail and the shade of green (and shading) looks perfect.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you so much James, I seem to be so slow in my old age but I keep pushing myself to do better thanks to the example set by bloggers like you.

  3. Excellent looking Bavarians! Very neat!
    Best Iain

  4. Thanks so much Iain, Victrix were kind enough to post one of the photos on their gallery which suprised me because I didn't think they were good enough.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...