Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Bavarian artillery

 27 February 2024

Braving heat, humidity and cyclones (hurricanes in the northern hemisphere) my brave Bavarian artillery unit is finished. The observant amoung you (all of you) will notice that the uniform isn't quite accurate as this unit is a modified Victrix French artillery crew but on the tabletop I don't think it will stand out.

I have started (2 done actually) to assemble the Victrix infantry pack mentioned previously. I was hoping to be able to do them a frame at a time but given I want a battalion of line and a battalion of light infantry, the poses on the sprue means that I will have to assemble all the figures at once (sighs) and pick out the best poses for each battalion. So far, assembling two figures has taken me an hour with cleaning up the mold lines etc. This project looks like taking a long time, thank goodness this summer is nearly over!


  1. Lovely work Chris, and I am very much with you on looking forward top the end of summer. The last electricity bill was a definite shock.

    1. Hi Lawrence thank you for your kindness, we have solar panels which help. With ducted air and a pool, electricity costs would be a killer. Sadly the boss won't let me air-con the garage where I paint so this summer has been a real frustration in so many ways.

  2. Another fine looking unit Chris!
    Regards, James

  3. Excellent conversion work, they look great!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain, I had som Perry's French line infantry and spare Bavarian heads so I 'had a go'.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...