Thursday, 8 February 2024

Next Projects

 8 Feb 2024

I thiught i would just post on here what my next projects are, given how long painting takes me this will probably take me all year! Anyway, my plan is to use one of the French guns and change the heads of the figures so that that can emulate Bavarian artillery. The images I have of Bavarian artillery uniforms are very similar to French and I think it will be a straight head swap. I also plan to possibly use some other heads from my 'pile' but will see how they fit.

I haven't modelled with Victrix figures before so ANY helpful suggestions on their assembly would be much appreciated.

The other guns I will do as French line artillery.

As for that huge bag of Victrix Bavarian plastic, I plan on a light inifantry regiment after inspiration from other bloggers (thanks guys) and a line infantry regiment. That will give me a Bavarian army with two regiment of line infantry, one of light, a hussar squadron and a unit of artillery. More than enough to face those pesky Austro-Hungarians if they can keep out of the bierkeller long enough!


  1. I'm about to start gluing together my first Perry AWI plastics, so it will be interesting to see how you get on with the Victrix figures. I swore I would never do plastics because they always seemed so fiddly to me, but the core figures in the Perry AWI range are plastic so I decided to take the plunge so they would fit in with the rest of the range. What glue will you be using?

  2. Hi Lawrence, yes, moving to plastics was somewhat traumatic for me, I do find metal casting easier to work with but the price difference is very hard to ignore. Remember to wash the plastic in detergent first (on the sprue is easiest) and you are so right about fiddly.

    I use revell glue for fine work and Tamiya for larger pieces it has an application brush and smells somewhat better than non scented glue. You willl probably also need some plastic filler for those awkward pieces that don't fit as perfectly as you had hoped. For very minor work I use liquid green stiff and Vallejo filler for larger gaps. Hope this helps.

  3. Looks like a nice project, I've never washed plastic and 600+ figures on haven't had a problem yet! Wasn't as keen on Revell but I like Tamiya glue, have fun!
    Best Iain

  4. Hi Iain, I once read that moulded figures both netal and plastic can have residue from the moulding process on them, hence the cleaning. As you haven't had any issues then perhaps this is one step I can eliminate. As for glues, I like the very fine 'needle' of the revell glue but it does need a cleaning regularly (a bit like swabbiong out Napoleonic artillery!

  5. A quick update, all the figures are assembled and primed. I usually only paint one battalion at a time so this is taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r. So far I have just managed to paint the main colors of a light infantry battalion. I so envy those of you who can paint in bulk. I am also toying with buying a Perry's metal command group for when this is all done.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...