Thursday, 7 December 2023

I am so over Google

 I have to give this rant as I have been trying to make blog comments here and on others for nearly two weeks without success. Thank you to those who have commented on my blog and I have enjoyed viewing other gamers blogs BUT for some reason known only to Google, I cannot make any comments other than as 'anonymous'. I can sign into gmail no problems but I cannot 'sign in' to my blog, It is driving me nuts!

I had this problem a while back and fixed it by changing from Firefox to Opera browsers but now the Google gremlins have struck again. As I do not wish to be spied upon by Google I will not use their browser nor that of Microsoft. My normal browser is DuckDuckGo which is fantastic for privacy.

Fortunately, I can still make posts such as this so I am still here and I do read every comment made on my blog - thank you so much for them (especially re the Bavarian Hussars).

There is unlikely to be any more photo updates on my blog until summer is over. As readers know, I paint in my garage for domestic peace and so far this Brisbane summer has been so HOT. Who can paint in 32 degrees C and 80% humidity with sweat dripping into their eyes? Even a fan just moves the heat around (yes that has been the conditions in my garage and no I cannot afford to air condition it). So my Bavarians and French are boxed up, partly painted awaiting autumn (fall for my US/Canadian friends) to be recommenced.

Thanks again for all your helpful comments.



  1. I use Chrome so no problems with me Chris, but I do get annoyed at the unwarranted intrusions into searches which results in endless adverts for things I was not really interested in being pumped my way. I live in Brisbane too and know what you mean about the heat. My hobby room is the only area in the house not currently airconditioned but it thankfully doesn't get the sun and I have a portable unit I fire up when the heat does creep in.

    1. Hi Lawrence, I have spent an inordinate amount of time going through all my browser settings and trying to get this fixed and finally succeeeded (for now!).

      eing a fellow Brisbanite you will understand how this summer heat is impacting on what I can do, not just modelling and now we have a cyclone to look out for.

  2. Chris, I think it is the browser and increased security of same that is to 'blame'. I had problems with Safari (on my Mac) and was using Firefox for blogging and commenting, then found the problem that you describe. I am not back to using Safari with no problems. It could be in the security settings of the browser. You need to enable pop-ups (at least for blogger).
    Good luck!

  3. I don't think I can sign in to blogger on my laptop as I have Firefox but that's alright as I do virtually everything on my mobile, with plummeting temperatures here I have the opposite problem in the shed although if I havd the mobile rad on all day it's usually okay by the evening, it is better insulated than mh house and double glazed!
    Best Iain

  4. Chris I use Google Chrome as my main browser so do not have any problem. I just put up with the fact that Big Brother knows everything about me! If you ever want to comment on my blog posts just send me the text by email and I will put it on - presume you can read the responses there? You might be interested in the latest post hausen-teugn-dunzling-part.html.
    Cheers CG

    1. hopefully this URL will work

    2. Hi Chris, seems I have managed to overcome the Google bugs for now. Thank you for the offer to post on my behalf though.


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