Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Vive L'Empreur!

 A quick post to ponder on how many of us would love to have Napoleon's hat added to our games space? I also wonder what other memorabilia (practical - not a canon!) we migh dream of having. 

I do note the nice collection the Perry's have in this Valour and Fortitude video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDg5EuZ6FrU



  1. I saw the auction for this advertised and they did well to maximise interest with the release of the movie. You are probably aware but there is a nice collection of Napoleon's personal items at The Briars in Melbourne, and I had a pleasant few hours wandering through with a friend ten years or so ago. There was one of his desk from the Tuileries and the one curator on duty there could see we were interested and lifted the rope for us to go in and sit down at it. I remember thinking it wasn't very well protected and sure enough it got broken into a few years ago and a significant part of the collection stolen, no doubt to end up in private collections.

    1. Hi Lawrence, I did not know about The Briars and checking their web site, it is currently closed to visitors https://www.nationaltrust.org.au/places/the-briars/ . So sad that items were stolen.

  2. I don't think I have room for anything that isn't figures, books and terrain! My nephew is talking about getting a shako for playing Napoleonic games though!
    Best Iain

    1. Hi Iain, I once raised the thought bubble of obtaining and displaying this: https://www.napoleonandglory.com/p/drapeau-des-chasseurs-a-cheval-de-la-garde-imperiale-1812-brode-sur-soie-taille-reelle My wife's reaction can be imagined so other than a couple of framed prints from my trusty inkjet, I have no non-model displays. I can imagine wearing shakos for gaming though!

  3. I heard the news report of this. While it's interesting (and rare) I cannot imagine being interested to part with such a sum for it. Then people would wonder why I part with far lesser sums to purchase unpainted figures!
    Regards, James

  4. Hi James., I guess some people have a lot more cash than we do. I was recently on holiday/vacation in Cairns and saw a huge private yacht that would have cost mega millions let alone what it would cost to fuel and crew. I am just grateful for what I have and live well within my retirement means.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...