Thursday, 20 July 2023

Give away


These plastic HO figures were purchased in England in the mid 1970's. I no longer have any use for them and, as EBay now has very intrusive requirements to sell products I am happy to give these away to a good home. Please note, it is all to one person as I am paying the freight.

If you would like to add these to your collection (I am not into ancients, I thought I might but then life took over and I barely have enough time for Napoleonics) please email me your address - I also have some sprues that came with Wargames Illustrated that I will add.

29 July 2023

Well I am amazed, not one taker as of today, amazing.



  1. Hello, I know that a long time has passed but if any are still available I would love them. I am building a 20mm Roman army.

    1. Hi Bob, yes they are still available, if you send me your address via my email above I will get them out to you (as long as the postage isn't ridiculous).

    2. Haven't heard from you Bob so these items are still looking for a home.


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...