Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Yet another Napoleonic's blog!

 Hi, thank you for 'popping by'. I have been motivated to try writing a blog because there seems to be a dearth of interest in Napoleonic models and wargaming in Queensland (& Australia) so I thought I would have a crack.

Please bear with me as this is all new to me 😄😄

15 June 2022

Slowly updating the pages and layout, must be my age but getting the 'right' feel is not coming together how I would like but I will keep going. Any recommendations or ideas are welcomed!

4 November 2022

I am still finding my way around this blog and with summer in the air in the sub-tropical city of Brisbane the mind goes more to BBQs by the pool than painting. 

Just in case anyone is interested,  I thought I would indulge myself with laying out how I got to this point. I was brought up in London England and like most boys played with toy soldiers, mostly drab WW2. At an early age, maybe 8 or 9 my father took me to a museum (I forget which) in London that had dioramas of famous battles possibly in 20mm scale. I was very impressed and the memory stuck but had no outlet. Time went on and Airfix (another tragic) released their figure range which I avidly collected.

After getting married in the early 1970's, we moved to Australia and my interest dropped off. I did do some WW2 modelling but not much until a friend showed me his Airfix Napoleonic and ancient figures and introduced me to wargaming. WW2 suddenly lost its appeal to the colour and pageantry of the Napoleonic period.

For personal reasons, I returned to the UK in the mid 1970s and found local stores that stocked Hinchliffe and Minifigs figures. I spent many hours stinking the house out with Hunbrol enamel paint and turps with a long suffering wife opening windows in sub zero temperatures to purge the smell. Many of the figures I painted then are in this blog. London was a great place for modelling, I loved the Tradition store and the variety that was available in both figures and literature. So for three years I horded what i could to take back to the land of sunshine which happened in the late 1970's,

Back in Oz, work and family took over and most of my figures remained packed away as they had been when I left the UK. Requirement however, finally gave me the time and opportunity to rediscover this passion. 

Sadly, I have not been able to contact any like minded people in Brisbane, it seems that Napoleonic's is a passion for the 'baby boomers' and sci-fi / fantasy is the rage now. So, as there is no one local to wargame with, I concentrate on photography and painting figures both 28mm and larger. This blog is an outlet for me and I fully accept that my standard of painting is way below many of the other blogs I follow but it is the best I can do at the time and I always strive to do better so a huge THANK YOU to all the other bloggers posting their photos to inspire me (& others).

13 November 2022

Wow, finally made it to 100 page views, not sure how many of those are my own but 100 views and no comments says something I guess. Well I did this blog mainly to see if I could do one so I guess that is sufficient.

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