Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Piano wargames kickstarter update

Hi all 

Received this update from Lucas at Piano wargames showing the production process for his metal figures. I thought you might be interested. 

So looking forward to painting his fgures, it is always exciting to work on figures from a manufacturer you haven't bought from before.

Hope all is well with everyone 



  1. I have purchased a fair amount of Piano product and it is lovely stuff. I have yet to lay a brush on them however, so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on them.

  2. Hi Lawrence, coping with this Brisbane weather OK? I have heard so much praise for Lucas' figures, I can't wait to 'have a go' at them.

  3. They look like gorgeous figures, I am tempted but not at the moment, got to try and be good!
    Best Iain

  4. Well, as you know, I am a big fan of Lucas' sculpts, so of course I got the same update. Good to see everything is on track!

    1. Hi Peter, yes, you are in many ways the reason I bought these. We may be getting them in March but I doubt I can start to paint them before September with all the other things I have on my plate.


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