Saturday, 11 January 2025

French artillery finally finished

 Well I have finally completed my Victrix French artillery pieces. It has been a bit of a trial with the hot and humid weather we have been having in Brisbane lately but I am quite pleased with the results. The gabions are renedra pieces.

Next in the queue: Victrix Austrian Landwehr, I am also very much looking forward to the figures (Bavarian cavalry and French Imp Guard grenadiers) ordered from Lucas at Pianowargames which should come March/April.

French Imperial guard foot artillery firing

French line foot artillery


  1. Lovely stuff Chris, and the gabions set them off nicely. Still swamped with grandchildren duties at the moment but I haven't forgotten about catching up some time.

    1. Hi Lawrence, nice to hear from an overworked grandparent! We have just found out that we are expecting our second grandchild in August so any family holidays will sadly be out of the question for a couple of years.

      As always, thank you for your comment on the figures. I discovered 'Ammo' brand mud paint so I thought I would try it out here but you can only really see the effect on their trousers and boots if you zoom into the figures.

      Is it me or is Brisbane's weather getting more like Cairns? I am so over dripping sweat when I am modelling and the summer weather slows me right down. I don't enjoy working in a hot and humid garage even with a ceiling fan so that limits my output (which is already slow - hey I am nearly 73!) for four months of the year.

      I am very much looking forward to meeting you when you get the opportunity, it would be nice to share our stories.


French artillery finally finished

  Well I have finally completed my Victrix French artillery pieces. It has been a bit of a trial with the hot and humid weather we have been...