Monday, 7 October 2024

Bavarian army (almost) finished.

Other than a Perry's metal gun carriage as I have previously referred to; here is my finalised Bavarian army on the table. It consists of two line infantry regiments, a squadron of Hussars, an artillery piece, a light infantry battalion and a command group.

Now to get them into a game but that may be a few weeks away. I use a 6'x4' game mat but do others find that size for Napoleonic games as small as I do? I would like to have something like a 12'x6' to really lay out the armies, not that I have the room but I can dream.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Bavarian 5th Line Infantry Regiment 'Von Preysing'

I have finally finished my second (& I think final) Bavarian Infantry regiment (thanks Victrix for making them) - the 5th 'Von Preysing'. I hope to have them in action soonish as I am going on holiday/vacation in a couple of weeks then enduring some expensive dental work.

I couldn't find out much of their regimental history during the Napoleonic Wars - I really tried, but  this link gives formation and uniform details: 

The artwork below is what I worked from when I painted them. Sadly, I couldn't find an exact match for their leibfahne (regimental flag).

Uniform information

Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...