Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Bavarian artillery

 27 February 2024

Braving heat, humidity and cyclones (hurricanes in the northern hemisphere) my brave Bavarian artillery unit is finished. The observant amoung you (all of you) will notice that the uniform isn't quite accurate as this unit is a modified Victrix French artillery crew but on the tabletop I don't think it will stand out.

I have started (2 done actually) to assemble the Victrix infantry pack mentioned previously. I was hoping to be able to do them a frame at a time but given I want a battalion of line and a battalion of light infantry, the poses on the sprue means that I will have to assemble all the figures at once (sighs) and pick out the best poses for each battalion. So far, assembling two figures has taken me an hour with cleaning up the mold lines etc. This project looks like taking a long time, thank goodness this summer is nearly over!

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Next Projects

 8 Feb 2024

I thiught i would just post on here what my next projects are, given how long painting takes me this will probably take me all year! Anyway, my plan is to use one of the French guns and change the heads of the figures so that that can emulate Bavarian artillery. The images I have of Bavarian artillery uniforms are very similar to French and I think it will be a straight head swap. I also plan to possibly use some other heads from my 'pile' but will see how they fit.

I haven't modelled with Victrix figures before so ANY helpful suggestions on their assembly would be much appreciated.

The other guns I will do as French line artillery.

As for that huge bag of Victrix Bavarian plastic, I plan on a light inifantry regiment after inspiration from other bloggers (thanks guys) and a line infantry regiment. That will give me a Bavarian army with two regiment of line infantry, one of light, a hussar squadron and a unit of artillery. More than enough to face those pesky Austro-Hungarians if they can keep out of the bierkeller long enough!

French artillery finally finished

  Well I have finally completed my Victrix French artillery pieces. It has been a bit of a trial with the hot and humid weather we have been...