Monday, 21 August 2023

In the pipeline August 2023

I thought I might indulge myself and post here what I have planned between now and the end of the year (hopefully). By others standards this will seem minute but this old pensioner has a lot going on and I am lucky if I get an hour a day to model, let alone a day to play a game!

So here goes and yes, these are all plastic. The cost of getting metal figures in bulk to Australia is beyond me sadly.

1 Box of Perry's French infantry

To be painted as French for a change. I have 'orphan' Hinchliffe Chausseurs and Grenadiers that need line companies to make up the regiment.

1Box of Perry's French Hussars 

To be painted as Bavarian hussars. One good thing about 1812 on hussars from all nation is that their dress was basically similar.

1 Box Victrix French foot artillery

I will paint one of the gun and crew as Bavarian (using a head swap) and the other two guns as French. I cannot identify if the Irish legion, Nassau or the Swiss had artillery in their units.

1 Packet Victrix Bavarian infantry

I will paint some as a line battalion and some as light to go with my HaT Bavarians.

I will update the blog as I go along.

29 August

French infantry ready for undercoating. I have been comparing Vallejo filler with liquid green stuff. Green stuff shrinks a lot more but is easier to apply so I will use a mixture of both in future depending on the figure. I will also be using Army Painter light grey primer.

Yes, those are wine bottle caps, have to look after the local industry - or that is my excuse!

Close up

Monday, 14 August 2023

Perry's French Heavy Cavalry Generals

 14 August 2023

I have just finished these lovely figures from Perry's 28mm metal range. I have been inspired by my fellow bloggers who have done some lovely command vignettes to do something with my French cavalry command. On reflection, I would have painted one as a Carabinier general but that is hindsight. I am looking forward to having them 'on the table'.

I know there are 'faults' in the paining but every time I try to fix one I create another. It is so frustrating not having the best eyesight and steady hands. How surgeons do micro surgery is amazing to me.

Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...