Thursday, 29 June 2023

Berg Lacer 1812

 Begun my next project - a Berg Lancer of the Guard. As followers know, I like the more obscure units of the Grande Armee and I have been wanting to paint one of these for a while. The basis is a Polish Lancer figure from Tradition who's uniform is essentially identical (except for colours) as the Berg Lancer. I did consider the more colourful Chevau-Legers but all that pink and white was a bit much. One has to wonder what Murat was thinking of when he chose the colours!

This is a good history of the units early period:

Later info is available here:

Image from the web

Basic painting stage - about 1 hours work.


About half way there, the black wash needs toning down. The sabre and lance will be added last.

Rear view

As a side job while painting the lancer, I have this 28mm Perry's French 6lb cannon and crew primed.

Monday, 19 June 2023

HaT Bavarians finally completed

19 June 2023

My HaT Bavarians are finally finished as the 6th line infantry regiment Herzog-Wilhelm. There has been so much else going on in my life for the past few months, getting these finished seems like an achievement. I think you will agree that they are quite acceptable en masse. As getting flags from GMB can take time and is expensive for just one flag set with postage, the flags here were printed on photo paper from a download.

I always find other hobbyists workplace interesting so I have added mine, nicely cleaned up for the next project. It is in my garage and competes with garden and car stuff for space.

Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...