Begun my next project - a Berg Lancer of the Guard. As followers know, I like the more obscure units of the Grande Armee and I have been wanting to paint one of these for a while. The basis is a Polish Lancer figure from Tradition who's uniform is essentially identical (except for colours) as the Berg Lancer. I did consider the more colourful Chevau-Legers but all that pink and white was a bit much. One has to wonder what Murat was thinking of when he chose the colours!
This is a good history of the units early period:
Later info is available here:
Image from the web
Basic painting stage - about 1 hours work.
About half way there, the black wash needs toning down. The sabre and lance will be added last. |
Rear view
As a side job while painting the lancer, I have this 28mm Perry's French 6lb cannon and crew primed.