Monday, 19 June 2023

HaT Bavarians finally completed

19 June 2023

My HaT Bavarians are finally finished as the 6th line infantry regiment Herzog-Wilhelm. There has been so much else going on in my life for the past few months, getting these finished seems like an achievement. I think you will agree that they are quite acceptable en masse. As getting flags from GMB can take time and is expensive for just one flag set with postage, the flags here were printed on photo paper from a download.

I always find other hobbyists workplace interesting so I have added mine, nicely cleaned up for the next project. It is in my garage and competes with garden and car stuff for space.


  1. A nice collection there Chris, very nicely done. The hobby area looks neat and tidy. Does it get hot in summer?

  2. Thank you Lawrence, yes it gets very hot and humid here in summer. I have a ceiling fan in the garage but in the hottest months (Jan-March) I can only paint early in the morning. Daytime temperatures here in Brisbane are usually over 28C with 85% humidity in summer.

  3. Excellent looking Bavarians, I've got the command set and am contemplating a brigade of them, they've come up nicely, super neat garage, my workspace is much messier, although with 150mm of kingspan in the ceiling and all the walls stuffed with fibreglass it's better insulated than the house!
    Best Iain

    1. Hi Iain, thank you for your comments.My workspace only looks like this after the end of a project, right now (I am doing the large Berg Lancer there are brushes, paint and art all over the place. My garage is under the main roof so an extension of the house and is insulated in the ceiling but that is it.

  4. Lovely Bayernliches! I have more Bavarians on the list to do post Historicon myself..

    1. Thank you Gonsalvo, I will look forward to seeing them. HaT may not be the finest castings but they are acceptable, good value for money and look OK en masse.

  5. Always glad to see Bvarians on our tables, and these ones are just superb, wonderful work...and colors!

  6. Lovely looking unit Chris , beautifully presented against that backdrop. I like the Bavarians - you will see Deroy's Division at Landshut on my next blog post. Cheers Chris G, UK

  7. Thank you for your kind words Chris and I shall certainly look forward to your next post.


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