Friday, 3 March 2023

In the pipeline

 I thought that I might check out Hat figures, they are so reasonably priced and I fancied some Bavarians for the table.

Not sure which regimental colours I will paint them in yet.

14 March 2023

Still too hot to do much painting 25C and 80% humidity today! However, a few thoughts on the figures. Hat are obviously made to a price, The Perry brothers have no need to view them as competition. That said, the price is attractive and the figures are not at all badly made or designed. It is the little things like a bent arm being molded to the body. I could, if my eyesight was better and I had many hours to dedicate, use a file and sharp knife to clean up the excess plastic but frankly, I don't. I have no reason however, to think that once assembled, painted and based en masse on a wargame table that they will not fit in fine. It will be interesting to find out!

And moving up from 28mm to 90mm we have this lovely figure from Tradition. At this stage I am planning to paint it as a Berg lancer.

5th April 2023

The heat is finally moderating so I have made a start on the Bavarians and thought I would post a photo of what I meant above regarding the mold casting at the arms. Given the price of Hat figures I can live with it :)

5th May 2023

Finally finished the first batch of Bavarians. I think that they don't look too bad considering. Oh and I decided on painting them as the 6th Line regiment Herzog Wilhelm.


  1. I'm very much enjoying your work on these larger figures and will look forward to this one.

  2. Thank you so much Lawrence, I am just waiting for the weather to cool down here in Brisbane.

  3. I completely echo Lawrence's comment.
    Painting in summer can be tricky as the paint dries almost before you get it off the brush, hey? I find that the hotter days/nights are good for preparation, basing and perhaps undercoating—if the Rutherglen bugs aren't too rampant— I can't think off hand what the Brizzie equivalent would be!
    Regards, James

  4. Hi James - love your Waterloo blog, shame Google won't let me link to it (see other post). I do my work in the garage, during the day in summer, even with a fan, on it can get to the high 30'sC add humidity (this is the sub tropics) and it is a miserable place to work between January and March except for the odd days or early in the morning and I am no good before 10:00am and two coffees! I do use a wet palette to help keep the paint usable but you correctly point out the problem with paint drying on the brush.

    I have cleaned up the HaT figures and undercoated them. I bought them more from curiosity than anything and the price is so good.

    Regards Chris

  5. I've got a box of Hat Bavarians, on price they're great and based as units I think they'll work!
    Best Iain

    1. I have found painting the Hat figures something of a challenge. The detail on figures of the same stance can vary, i.e detail is lost in the mold. That said, even at this early stage - still on 'lolly' sticks massed together they look OK. Many hours more to go though before they are finished.

      Cheers Chris


Victrix Austrian Salzburg Landwehr

I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this...