I have finished the first company of the Salzburg Ladwehr battallion that is my latest project. I have tried to research the history of this unit to no avail; so if anyone that has detailed information about them that they can share with me, I would appreciate it.
I do thank Peter for the information on Austrian Landwehr in his blog here:
My only reason for shoosing to paint this unit is their uniform. I do wonder if there might was confusion if they faced the Irish Legion or Nassau troops.
A big thank you to James Fisher for his advice below in the comments. I have followed his advice and found this information about the Salzburg Landwehr online:
"... eine bloss zur Vertheidigung des Vaterländischen
Bodens abzweckende..."
"To be aimed only on the defence of the Fatherland"
On June 9th, 1808 an <above> Imperial Patent for the people did the
organizing of the Landwehr institute. The Emperor Franz said in it:
“We have opened, in our Patent, Our beloved matter with the
intention of an institution connected to the reserve establishment, namely for
the defence of the Monarchy with such means which grant the possibility to Us
to facilitate the finances of the State by decreasing those of the active Army.
In just this intention We think for good to organize a
territorial Force (Landwehr) aimed only on the defence of the Fatherland....
For its execution We have appointed authorized persons, already known for their
proficiency, their zeal and their devotion to Us and to the government, namely
for Styria, Carinthia, Krain, Trieste and Salzburg: our esteemed Brother
Imperial Highness Archduke John; our Court Commissioner Count Saurau: for
Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia... ”.
Archduke John did come on June 22, 1808, at Salzburg with
Count Franz von Saurau in order to start the organizatione of the Landwehr. At
the time they had to raise 4 battalions, the Staff Officers of which could have
been retired military officers of the former Bishopric or Electoral Principate
(of Salzburg), who had decided to be a volunteer in the new project. Only 4
officers and 1 Corporal for each Landwehr company had to come from the K.K.
regular Army.
Spring 1809
Austrian Resident Units in Austria - Salzburg
Salzburg Brigade GM Baron von Legisfeld
Salzburg – 1st Landwehr Battalion Salzburg
Salzburg – 2nd Landwehr Battalion Salzburg
Salzburg –3rd Landwehr Battalion Salzburg
Salzburg – 4th Landwehr Battalion Salzburg
Salzburg – Depot De Vaux – 1 company
Almost finished, pre-basing |
Finished and mounted |