Well the Bavarian Hussar regement #1 is fnally done. I cannot imagine trying to paint any more hussars of any type as I am really not happy with my work here. I can blame it on the heat and humidity but in truth, my skills and eyesight are just not good enough to do the excellent Perry's figures justice. I admit that I took some liberties with some of the detail colours, I couldn't find a picture of a mounted officer or bugler for example so I improvised their uniforms, reversing the colours for the bugler etc. If anyone has accurate pictures of the officer and bugler (preferably mounted) I would love to see them.
How would you spent a hot and humid day, painting in the garage or cooling off here in my pool? |
I used these prints as my guide on the figures, they were all I could find online.
I have started my next project, a battalion of French 9th line infantry. Infantry are so much easier and quicker to paint! Following them, my plans are a Bavarian artillery unit and the Victrix 58 figure Bavarian infantry bag I purchased as line and light regiments.